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Butterfly Class

Butterfly Class is our EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 class taught by Mrs Tupper and Mr Stoner. 


Mrs Tupper: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Mr Stoner: Thursday, Friday

In EYFS, Year 1 and 2 continues in a practical and fun way linked to our curriculum. Throughout the year the children will learn to:


  • Develop their phonics knowledge, and learn some spelling rules. We use the Little Wandle scheme for phonics and we use Collins Big Cat Reading books for home reading. Please click on this link to access the parent guide for more information about the Little Wandle phonics scheme.
  • A key focus for year 1 and 2 is to improve their writing style and structure.
  • Children in Year 1 and 2 are expected to use and apply a range of Maths strategies and solve more complex problem solving questions.
  • In EYFS we have the use of another classroom to taylor their learning to the EY curriculum and focus on the prime and specific areas of learning. The children will then be able to explore all areas at their own pace.







Our Expectations for Home Learning in Butterfly Class

Recommended minimum time to spend on home learning – 20 minutes reading per day PLUS 15- 30 minutes per week on other identified home learning. Homework is set every Friday and is due back the following Wednesday. 


We we also ask children to complete half term projects which are fun and create an interest for the following terms topic.



This particular project was making animals out of recycled materials. Don’t they look good!!?


Butterfly Class also has a class mascot, Jerry Saturn as voted by the children. He comes home with a child for the weekend and they go on adventures together.


Summer 2


Our topic this term is ‘ The Great Fire of London.

The children are thoroughly enjoying the topic. We are blown away at their home learning project, to make a Tudor house.






Today, Tuesday 16th April, Purbeck Arts came to visit us. Butterflies got to experiment with clay, doing lots of mark making and experimenting with printing.

Summer 1


This term our topic is ‘What do you know about Asia?’ In Georgraphy we will be using our atlas skills to locate the largest continent in the world. We will be researching in particular the country of Brunei and comparing it to our own. As part of this we will be learning the continent song. Please click on this link.



 In Science, we will be looking at different animals; their habitats and life cycles. Click on the lick below to explore a website full of science games.









Spring 2


This term our topic is ‘Who is the RNLI?’ We will be looking at the history of lifeboats and the life of Grace Darling. Click on the link below to watch a video about her life.

Video of Grace Darling

In Science we will be looking at everything to do with plants. Click on the link below to get your children learning about plants, there are even quizzes that they can do.


Plants and more

Keep checking the website as more photos and information will be coming soon....

Spring 1

This term our topic big question is ‘How does the weather affect us?’ In Geography, we will be looking at the world’s weather patterns. Click on the link below to start learning:



We continue to learning our new phonemes (sounds). Below our two phonics games that you can play to practice at home.



In Science we are learning about different habitats and animal life cycles. Click on the link below to find out more






Spring Term 1, Week 2

We were visited by the fire service and learnt about how to keep safe as well as learning about a fire person's job. We even got a go on the hose!!

In Spring 1 week 6 we welcomed 5 chicks into Butterfly Class!!

Autumn 2


Who can help us?


This term we will be looking at different people who help us. In our lives, who are all the people who help us?? Who helps us at school? Who helps us if we are hurt? 

In History, we are thinking about Mary Seacole in particular and how she helped people? Also, the royal family? How do they help the UK and us as individuals?

Click on the links below to find out more about them:


               The Royal Family                                                                          Mary Seacole


We had a visit from a Ward Sister from Poole Hospital. The children learnt about her job as well as how to stay safe and clean. We learnt how to do lots of different things and enjoyed her visit. Here are a few photos to see what we were up to. 



Also visit out Forest School page to see what we get up to in our ‘Outdoor Learning’ sessions.

Autumn 1


In Early years our topic is ‘Amazing Me’. We are exploring where we live and the communities we are apart of, who we are, what makes us different and special. The first few week of term has just been about exploring our new classrooms and learn how to be independent in our play. Looking at the pictures below they have had lots of fun doing this.




Year 1 and 2 have been working hard on their topic ‘Antartica’. In Science they have been learning about the human body.  Please click on the link below to discover more.


The human Body


Together the whole of Butterflies have completed self-portraits that can be seen in our cloakroom.



 In English, we are writing fact files on Emperor Penguins. To help you research click on the links before:


Emperor Penguins video 

Emperor Penguins video 2





Early years have been exploring their indoor and outdoor areas. During ‘Independent Learning Time’ they work very hard. Look at the photos to find out what they do.
