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RHSE consultation with Parents

In order to ensure that our RHSE curriculum suited the needs of our children as well as the statutory guidelines, we undertook a range of tasks in order to consult with our parents. 


Initially, we shared our RHSE policy with our parent council and ask them to share any feedback with us. 


We also held a zoom meeting in July 2021 where we shared a power point which evidenced how our scheme of work (SCARF) meets statutory guidelines. This also enabled parents a chance to see some of the activities we would be undertaking with our children. 


As part of this meeting, parents had a chance to ask questions. Some examples of the questions asked were: 


Does LGBTQ+ get explicitly covered as part of this scheme of work? 

We will, as parents, be told in advance when you are teaching RHSE with our children?

How do you manage this with mixed year groups in the same class?


We then sent out a parent survey to all parents in July 2021. There were no responses. We did this again in January 2022. Again, there were no responses. 


