At Corfe Castle Primary School, we adapt the White Rose schemes of learning to deliver high quality Maths teaching to our pupils. Despite being in mixed classes, the children are taught their own year groups Maths as we understand the importance of Math skills being progressional through the year groups and each concept requires a series of small steps to build upon one another to ensure a child has a secure and in depth understanding.
The Maths lessons incorporate a range of fluency tasks to ensure that children fully understand mathematical concepts as well as a range of problem solving skills.
Multiplication is a fundamental aspect of the Maths curriculum and is something we develop with the children throughout their time with us. Children undertake the statutory multiplication check at year 4, therefore we explicitly teach children their multiplication tables from year 1.
Websites that support children learning their times tables:
Times Tables Rockstars (All children have a log in, just ask your class teacher.) | |
Matific | Matific | Math Games & Worksheets Online, Designed by Math Experts |
Hit the Button | Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds ( |
Maths Splat App | |
Times tables games | |
Times tables games |