Emergency Closure Protocol
From time to time it may be necessary to close our school due to severe weather conditions (e.g. flooding) or a localised problems (e.g. flooding) or a localised problem (e.g. breakdown of heating system) such decisions are never made lightly and are always made in consultation with the Saturn Education Trust, the local authority and in accordance with statutory guidelines. When deciding whether or not to close the school, the welfare of children and staff will always be the paramount consideration.
Dorset County Council now has a central system for coordinating school closures and notifying the media. This should make it easier for local media to maintain an accurate list of school closures which will also be displayed on the Dorset For You website. If it is possible, i.e. a member of staff is able to get to school to access the system, then a text alert will be sent as soon as possible informing you of any school closure. We will also endeavour to send an email and update our school Facebook page.
Information can be found by:-
Listening to updates on Heart FM
Visiting the Heart FM web site www.heartdorset.co.uk
Visiting http://mapping.dorsetforyou.com/closedservices
Please make use of these sources of information and do not telephone the school unless it is an emergency. This can prevent essential outgoing calls being made.