Pupil Premium
If you think you are eligible for pupil premium funding or need support in applying, please contact the main school office who will endeavour to help you.
Pupil Premium Lead: Miss A Howe
Schools, headteachers and teachers will decide how to use the Pupil Premium allocation, as they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for individual pupils. (Source DfE website)
In line with our whole school vision, at Corfe Castle CE Primary School and Pre-School we aim for all children to be prepared for the changing world in which we live by learning and applying key skills so that they achieve the best possible outcomes and become independent learners for life. Equality and inclusion are at the heart of our school and we aim to ensure that every opportunity meets the needs of all our learners.
Due to only having very minimal PP children this academic year (24/25), we are not required to publish a PP strategy following DfE guidance.