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For Parents


At Corfe Castle Primary School we work in partnership with parents and carers and try our best to make them feel welcome and included at all times.


Our partnership with parents starts before the children actually begin attending the school. We have excellent links with Corfe Castle Community Pre-School, which is situated immediately to the rear of our premises, and most of our intake into Reception comes from the Pre-School. These close links extend to the parents. We will often get to know them through our contact with the Pre-School, and they will get to know us as the Pre-School regularly uses our building for exclusive events such as their Christmas Play, Sports Day and Leavers Service as well as joint events such as the Christmas Fair.


Parental Involvement

Parents are always invited to special events such as Sports Day, Concerts, Harvest Festivals, Carol Services, Open Evenings, Special Assemblies and Workshop Sessions.

Parental help is very much welcomed by the school, subject to satisfactory clearance of a DBS check (formerly known as a CRB check). Parents can come in to work under the direction of a teacher and will help children with simple skills, such as listening to readers, or perhaps helping a small group in some specialist activity such as art or technology.
