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Dragonfly Class

Dragonfly Class is a year 5 and 6 class and is taught by Mrs Cox and Mr Stoner


Welcome to the Dragonfly Class.  The information below outlines our class routines, which aim to ensure our oldest pupils have the organisational skills and independence so that they are secondary-ready. 



By Year Five and Six, pupils should be spending 20-30 minutes per evening on homework.  They will be set Maths and English work each week and will be expected to read for at least an hour a week.. This can be in longer or shorter sessions over the week but please could you sign your child’s log every week so that I can be sure they are reading.  


Sometimes the children will have a half-termly challenge project for extra in-depth research of an area of their interest but connected to our class topic. If your child wishes to do some extra work at any time, this will always be welcomed and rewarded.


If there is a genuine reason why homework cannot be completed, or if your child has worked for 30 minutes and not completed a piece of homework, please write a note in their reading log for us to act upon. We hope homework will be a positive experience.  Your child should be able to complete most pieces independently but there may be some tasks where support is needed.  




Most of the class are now free readers. This means they are responsible for choosing and supplying their own reading book, either from the school library, their local library or from home. Children are expected to have a reading book and their reading log in school every day. In our book corners and library we have a wonderful, selection of inspirational fiction and non-fiction from which you child can select a book. As mentioned above, I would like children to read for at least an hour over the course of a week. If you have the time to read with your child for at least a few minutes a week, this can be extremely encouraging, even for the most independent reader. Reading to your child is also an invaluable way of promoting and supporting them in a love of reading. Please support us in this matter by signing the reading log weekly and by informing us if your child has been unable to read for some reason. There is a large body of evidence that children who read regularly have much greater success at all stages of their education.

Golden tickets will be awarded for five entries in a week. There will be a book prize drawer from across the school on a Friday from the tickets with a new book as a reward.



 We will supply all the equipment that your child needs.   They will receive a pen, a dry wipe marker and a pencil and will be responsible for keeping them safe. Please do not allow your child to bring in toys, fidget toys or special items unless related to our topic as it can lead to arguments or be a distraction.


End of Key Stage Two tests (SATs)

Year Six will have tests in Mathematics, Reading and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling in May. These are an important indicator of the progress that your child has made in primary school and will form part of the assessments that we pass onto secondary school. I will organise an information session later in the year in order to help you and your child to prepare for these tests. Please be assured that Year Six will be adequately prepared over the course of the year through our curriculum.


Please feel free to ask any questions. I will look forward to working with you all. 
